Pulsar Thermal Imagers

Sensor performance
Pulsar exclusively use sensors manufactured by global leaders Lynred.
In the past, Pulsar advertised the native sensitivity of Lynred sensors, which is not the actual NETD of the thermal imaging system, which, due to Adapted Noise Reduction, produces a far higher sensitivity. All Pulsar thermals now advertise the actual NETD of each device.
As well as sensitivity, Lynred sensors are used in a wide range of professional and defence applications. Lynred sensors are accredited to MIL_STD-883 / MIL-STD810 and Thermal Weapon Sight qualified for proven performance.
Lynred sensors are designed for reliability under harsh conditions.
Pulsar Thermal Monoculars and Binoculars
Why choose a Pulsar thermal?
Pulsar is the World’s leading thermal brand.
When Pulsar launched their first thermal imager in 2012 it took the market by storm, both here in New Zealand and around the World.
Designed and manufactured in Lithuania, Latvia and U.K., the standard of manufacture is second to none. Many features found in todays thermals have their origins in previous Pulsar models. Whilst our competition copies, we move on to higher ground.
Pulsar Thermal Imagers are the best value-for-money because they are the best quality, most innovative and deliver the best performance.
We also offer sound advice, excellent after-sales support, servicing and repair. Pulsar optics carry a 3 year warranty (1 year batteries).
Warranty and after sales service only apply to New Zealand products sourced through Archetype Precision Systems Limited.
Pulsar exclusively use Lynred sensors, the World leader in advanced a-Si imaging.
Your local Pulsar stockist can demonstrate the models that you may be interested in and provide you with sound advice.
Phone us to find out which stockists carry the product that you are interested in: 03 9700 570
Thermal Imager ideal for New Zealand conditions
Our environment is unique, we have glaciers running into rain forests, snow covered mountains, wide open tussock, plains, marshland, inner cities, endless farmland and thousands of kilometres of coastline. The climate can be freezing, snowing, hailing, hot, humid, foggy, windy, wet or dry; conditions can change quickly with little warning.
Our range of thermals to be the finest available and chosen by both professional and recreational users alike. Although outstanding image quality is important, there are many other reasons to choose our products, functionality, ruggedness, longevity, and excellent resale value for instance.
Visit our dealer page for more information.
Visit Pulsar global website for more information.
Advanced Optics for professional users
Advanced Optics for professional, government and volunteer users.
We have a range of demonstration models for our professional users to evaluate in-the-field or on-the-water in order to ensure that their choice based on experience.
The type of organisations that we support are:
- Coastguard New Zealand
- LandSAR and other SAR units
- Helicopter Rescue Trusts
- Regional and national government bodies
Upon agreement, we will send a selection of equipment that we feel is suitable for your application based upon similar users and conditions. You are free to use the equipment for its intended purpose for an agreed time, usually two weeks. These units are in great demand as we service many organisations.
Contact us for more information about whether your organisation fits our criteria. We can phone and discuss your requirements are deal exclusively with email. We will send our company profile, product information and current pricing for your perusal.
NZ users click the link below

Pulsar Exclusively use Lynred sensors.